Member Spotlight: Roseann Musemici

Get to know Roseann Musemici, who is President of the Sussex Montessori Education Association (SMEA) and an educator at Sussex Montessori School.  SMEA represents nearly 90 teachers, specialists, and education support professionals at Sussex Montessori School in Seaford.

 ... on why she chose a career in public education

"After starting my family, I realized I wanted to do more for my girls. I wanted to provide them with an environment that was engaging and enriching. I took a few educational courses and fell in love with teaching after observing teachers, students, and classroom environments. I remember saying, 'I can do this.'"


... on how she first got involved with her union

"News, social media, colleagues, friends, and family. There is a lot being said about education, teachers, and administrators. Many different perspectives and ideals but not enough solutions. Not enough people willing to put themselves out there to help make the necessary changes."


... on why she became a local leader for her union

"We deserve better. Teachers are highly qualified, yet they are severely underpaid for their level of education across the nation. Lack of respect for the profession is on the rise and help seems to never come. Complaining about issues doesn’t fix anything but by becoming more involved and active in my local association I can help make the necessary improvements that my colleagues and community so desperately deserve."


... on how public education has changed for the better

"Parents/caregivers are beginning to speak up on social media about how teachers are mistreated by students, by parents/caregivers, and by administrators. Videos are few and far between, but they are there, supporting teachers and advocating for parents/caregivers to seek help for children in crisis. I hope more and more parents/caregivers continue to support teachers and continue to advocate for children in crisis.


... on what public education needs to fix going forward

"Teaching has taught me that the love for learning has decreased, and anxiety is on the rise in the classrooms and at home.  Many children no longer have intrinsic motivation. How can we shift the educational model to reduce anxiety and increase intrinsic motivation in the classroom and at home? When we begin rejuvenating intrinsic motivation, we will see improvements in student anxiety and academics scores.


... on what she wants potential members to know

"What if your bachelor’s degree earned you a living wage from day one?  What if your planning and preparation time was equitable to students’ needs? What if your weekends, holiday breaks, and evenings were yours for self-care and family? What if? You will never know the answers if the fight stops here."


... on what she wants current members to know

"I will amplify your voice. Together we can make a difference in our community. Our students can and will thrive as we continue to advocate for our needs as teachers. We cannot meet the needs of our students if our needs are not being met. Advocate for your students by advocating for yourself."